It just didn't feel right placing the girls under the ANIMAL category - so here they are as HUMANS.  Life couldn't get much better and I am sure if we were honest we would love to swap places with them. 

Lilly,  the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Devon’s  baby,  sleeps mostly,  a respectable pastime for a girl of her age. A serious bed dweller.  Demi (the pup)- Trece's baby & our farm dog in training. Highly intelligent, energetic, a fast learner, great watchdog, sometimes good with stock & has much to learn as a boystrous, loveable Hunterway-border collie cross. Tonka, Nanna’s baby, alot more energetic than the similar aged  Lilly, but loves the bed.


There are 6 of us spanning  3 generations with an age range of 16 to 79 years.  We have a more "old-fashioned approach " to our lives together. Following the sharing of the  preparation and  cooking of our meals,  we dine together and bring to the table what our days have been like. 

As a family we pool our resources and combined,  we have a wealth of experience in a variety of fields. As a working farm the list never shortens and the priorities requiring attention change with the seasons and even daily as often it is the weather that is our dictator. 

It has long been a goal to achieve a certain standard of self-sufficiency. The latest project has seen our energies directed into creating a very large garden.  It is rapidly  starting to provide us with the fruits of some serious hard work from the development and fencing of the areas, to the planting of a widening variety of vegetables, herbs etc.  There is nothing quite so satisfying as wandering around the garden and picking whatever naturally grown delight is on offer. We wish to share this with our guests too and experince that organically  grown freshness.   All our animals provide invaluable manure for our fertilising needs. 


At this point our head gardener and patriarch Graham and chief adviser and matriach, Patricia need introducing. At 80 years of age  Dad (Graham) finally is transferring his focus from a life time of running a business and now reveling in his passion of gardening and the physical activity required to achieve those earthy goals. 16 year old Chartrece (Trece) is our up and coming gardening enthusiast and organiser.


Myself (Devon) , Gary and Gillian will appear on this page soon  as soon as it is  updated. ( as of 27th January 2009)




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